

int GRBaddgenconstrOr( GRBmodel *model,
const char *name,
int resvar,
int nvars,
int* vars )

Add a new general constraint of typeGRB_GENCONSTR_ORto a model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the new constraint won't actually be added until you update the model (usingGRBupdatemodel), optimize the model (usingGRBoptimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBwrite).

An OR constraint<span>$</span>r = \mbox{or}\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}<span>$</span>states that the binary resultant variable<span>$</span>r<span>$</span>应该是<span>$</span>1<span>$</span>if and only if any of the operand variables<span>$</span>x_1,\ldots,x_n<span>$</span>is equal to<span>$</span>1<span>$</span>. If all operand variables are<span>$</span>0<span>$</span>, then the resultant should be<span>$</span>0<span>$</span>as well.

Note that all variables participating in such a constraint will be forced to be binary; independently of how they were created.


model: The model to which the new general constraint should be added.

name: Name for the new general constraint. This argument can beNULL, in which case the constraint is given a default name.

int resvar: The index of the binary resultant variable<span>$</span>r<span>$</span>whose value will be equal to the OR concatenation of the other variables.

int nvars: The number<span>$</span>n<span>$</span>of binary operand variables over which the OR will be taken.

const int *vars: An array containing the indices of the binary operand variables<span>$</span>x_j<span>$</span>over which the OR concatenation will be taken.

Return value:

A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while adding the general constraint. Refer to theError Codetable for a list of possible return values. Details on the error can be obtained by callingGRBgeterrormsg.

Example usage:

/* x5 = or(x1, x3, x4) */ int ind[] = {1, 3, 4}; error = GRBaddgenconstrOr(model, "orconstr", 5, 3, ind);