

Add a new general constraint of typeGRB.GENCONSTR_ORto a model.

An OR constraint<span>$</span>r = \mbox{or}\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}<span>$</span>states that the binary resultant variable<span>$</span>r<span>$</span>应该是<span>$</span>1<span>$</span>if and only if any of the operand variables<span>$</span>x_1,\ldots,x_n<span>$</span>is equal to<span>$</span>1<span>$</span>. If all operand variables are<span>$</span>0<span>$</span>, then the resultant should be<span>$</span>0<span>$</span>as well.

Note that all variables participating in such a constraint will be forced to be binary; independently of how they were created.

GRBGenConstr AddGenConstrOr( GRBVar resvar,
GRBVar[] vars,
string name )

    resvar: The resultant variable of the new constraint.

    vars: Array of variables that are the operands of the new constraint.

    name: Name for the new general constraint.

    Return value:

    New general constraint.