

Add new decision variables to a model.

GRBVar[] addVars( int count,
char type )
    Addcountnew decision variables to a model. All associated attributes take their default values, except the variabletype, which is specified as an argument.


    count: Number of variables to add.

    type: Variable type for new variables (GRB.CONTINUOUS,GRB.BINARY,GRB.INTEGER,GRB.SEMICONT, orGRB.SEMIINT).

    Return value:

    Array of new variable objects.

GRBVar[] addVars( double[] lb,
double[] ub,
double[] obj,
char[] type,
String[] names )
    Add new decision variables to a model. The number of added variables is determined by the length of the input arrays (which must be consistent across all arguments).


    lb: Lower bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get lower bounds of 0.0.

    ub: Upper bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get infinite upper bounds.

    obj: Objective coefficients for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get objective coefficients of 0.0.

    type: Variable types for new variables (GRB.CONTINUOUS,GRB.BINARY,GRB.INTEGER,GRB.SEMICONT, orGRB.SEMIINT). Can benull, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous.

    names: Names for new variables. Can benull, in which case all variables are given default names.

    Return value:

    Array of new variable objects.

GRBVar[] addVars( double[] lb,
double[] ub,
double[] obj,
char[] type,
String[] names,
int start,
int len )
    Add new decision variables to a model. This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the various variable attributes (lower bound, upper bound, etc.), without forcing you to add a variable for each entry in the array. Thestartandlenarguments allow you to specify which variables to add.


    lb: Lower bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get lower bounds of 0.0.

    ub: Upper bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get infinite upper bounds.

    obj: Objective coefficients for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get objective coefficients of 0.0.

    type: Variable types for new variables (GRB.CONTINUOUS,GRB.BINARY,GRB.INTEGER,GRB.SEMICONT, orGRB.SEMIINT). Can benull, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous.

    names: Names for new variables. Can benull, in which case all variables are given default names.

    start: The first variable in the list to add.

    len: The number of variables to add.

    Return value:

    Array of new variable objects.

GRBVar[] addVars( double[] lb,
double[] ub,
double[] obj,
char[] type,
String[] names,
GRBColumn[] 峡路)
    Add new decision variables to a model. This signature allows you to specify the list of constraints to which each new variable belongs using an array ofGRBColumnobjects.


    lb: Lower bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get lower bounds of 0.0.

    ub: Upper bounds for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get infinite upper bounds.

    obj: Objective coefficients for new variables. Can benull, in which case the variables get objective coefficients of 0.0.

    type: Variable types for new variables (GRB.CONTINUOUS,GRB.BINARY,GRB.INTEGER,GRB.SEMICONT, orGRB.SEMIINT). Can benull, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous.

    names: Names for new variables. Can benull, in which case all variables are given default names.

    cols: GRBColumn objects for specifying a set of constraints to which each new column belongs.

    Return value:

    Array of new variable objects.