

Constructor forGRBModel. The simplest version creates an empty model. You can then calladdVarandaddConstrto populate the model with variables and constraints. The more complex constructors can read a model from a file, or make a copy of an existing model.

GRBModel GRBModel( const GRBEnv& env )

    Model constructor.


    env: Environment for new model.

    Return value:

    New model object. Model initially contains no variables or constraints.

GRBModel GRBModel( const GRBEnv& env,
const string& filename )
    Read a model from a file. Note that the type of the file is encoded in the file name suffix. Valid suffixes are.mps,.rew,.lp,.rlp,.ilp, or.opb. The files can be compressed, so additional suffixes,.gz,.bz2, or.7zare accepted.


    env: Environment for new model.

    modelname: Name of the file containing the model.

    Return value:

    New model object.

GRBModel GRBModel( const GRBModel& model )

    Create a copy of an existing model. Note that due to the lazy update approach in Gurobi, you have to callupdatebefore copying it.


    model: Model to copy.

    Return value:

    New model object. Model is a clone of the input model.