

Retrieve the data of a general constraint of type INDICATOR. Calling this function for a general constraint of different type leads to an exception. You can query theGenConstrTypeattribute to determine the type of the general constraint.

年代ee alsoaddGenConstrIndicatorfor a description of the semantics of this general constraint type.

void getGenConstrIndicator( GRBGenConstr genc,
GRBVar* binvarP,
int* binvalP,
GRBLinExpr * exprP,
char* senseP,
double* rhsP )

    genc: The index of the general constraint.

    Any combination of the following five arguments can beNULL.

    binvarP: Pointer to store the binary indicator variable of the constraint.

    binvalP: Pointer to store the value that the indicator variable has to take in order to trigger the linear constraint.

    exprP: Pointer to aGRBLinExprobject to store the left-hand-side expression of the linear constraint that is triggered by the indicator.

    senseP: Pointer to store the sense for the linear constraint. Options areGRB_LESS_EQUAL,GRB_EQUAL, orGRB_GREATER_EQUAL.

    rhsP: Pointer to store the right-hand-side value for the linear constraint.