

Remove a variable, constraint, or SOS from a model.

void Remove( GRBConstr constr )

    Remove a constraint from the model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the change won't actually take effect until you update the model (usingGRBModel.Update), optimize the model (usingGRBModel.Optimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBModel.Write).


    constr: The constraint to remove.

void Remove( GRBGenConstr genconstr )

    Remove a general constraint from the model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the change won't actually take effect until you update the model (usingGRBModel.Update), optimize the model (usingGRBModel.Optimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBModel.Write).



void Remove( GRBQConstr qconstr )

    Remove a quadratic constraint from the model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the change won't actually take effect until you update the model (usingGRBModel.Update), optimize the model (usingGRBModel.Optimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBModel.Write).


    qconstr: The constraint to remove.

void Remove( GRBSOS sos )

    Remove an SOS constraint from the model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the change won't actually take effect until you update the model (usingGRBModel.Update), optimize the model (usingGRBModel.Optimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBModel.Write).


    sos: The SOS constraint to remove.

void Remove( GRBVar var )

    Remove a variable from the model. Note that, due to our lazy update approach, the change won't actually take effect until you update the model (usingGRBModel.Update), optimize the model (usingGRBModel.Optimize), or write the model to disk (usingGRBModel.Write).


    var: The variable to remove.