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Gurobi Remote Services

Version 8.1, Copyright © 2019, Gurobi Optimization, LLC

Gurobi Remote Services is a set of Gurobi features that allow a cluster of one or more machines to perform Gurobi computations on behalf of other machines. The most powerful Remote Service isCompute Server, which allows you to offload all Gurobi computations from a client machine onto a Remove Services cluster. A second Remote Service allows you to executedistributed algorithms, wherein multiple machines can be used to accelerate a single optimization computation (e.g., solving a single MIP model, or performing automatic parameter tuning on a model).

This document is organized into a number of sections. The first section provides anoverview of Gurobi Compute Server and Remote ServicesThe next section provides details onsetting up Remote Services. Then, the following sections provide details onusing Remote Servicesandprogramming with Remote Services. Finally, we discussusing Remote Services with Gurobi Instant Cloud.