Printing the solution

Thegurobi()function returns a list as its result. This list contains a number of components, where each component contains information about the computed solution. The available components depend on the result of the optimization, the type of model that was solved (LP, QP, SOCP, or MIP), and the algorithm used to solve the model. This result list will always contain an integerstatuscomponent, which indicates whether Gurobi was able to compute an optimal solution to the model. You should consult theStatus Codessection of theGurobi Reference Manualfor a complete list of all possible status codes. If Gurobi was able to find a solution to the model, the return value will also includeobjvalandxcomponents. The former gives the objective value for the computed solution, and the latter is the computed solution vector (one entry per column of the constraint matrix). For continuous models, we will also return dual information (reduced costs and dual multipliers), and possibly an optimal basis.

In our example, we simply print the optimal objective value (result$objval) and the optimal solution vector (result$x).