

用法:gurobi_cl --help显示用法gurobi_cl [flags] [param = value] * filename优化模型文件gurobi_cl [flags]执行命令gurobi参数在gurobi参考手册中记录了命令gurobi参数。如果定义,可以使用--flag = value或短格式设置标志或短格式。可以使用-flag或短格式启用布尔标志-f,如果已定义。标志:-h,--help显示用法--license显示许可证信息-t, - 目前正在使用的--tokens列表许可证令牌-v,--version显示版本信息Compute Server和Cluster Manager标志:--group = String群集组位置,覆盖许可证文件组--Manager = String Cluster Manager URL,覆盖许可证文件CSManager -P,--password = String密码,覆盖许可证文件密码(默认“pass”) -  priority = int工作优先级,覆盖许可证文件优先级(默认值0,min -100,max 100)-r,--router = string路由器URL,覆盖许可证文件属性路由器-s,--server = string群集表示节点地址,覆盖许可证文件computeserver  -  tls-Insecure Skip TLS证书验证,覆盖许可证文件CSTLSINSECURE --USERNAME = String用户名for Cluster Manager身份验证覆盖许可证文件用户名即时云标志:--accessID = String Access ID,覆盖许可证文件CloudAccesId --secretkey = String密钥,覆盖许可证FiLe CloudKey --Pool = String Pool名称,如果在预定义的位置或使用变量grb_license_file中可以访问有效的gurobi许可证文件,则覆盖许可证文件池,许可证文件将为某些连接参数(服务器,密码,路由器)提供默认值。如果许可证文件引用GUROBI Instant Cloud Pool,它将解析池的连接参数。 The server URL can also specify the protocol and the port: server.company.com Use HTTP on standard port 80 server.company.com:61000 Use HTTP on port 61000 https://server.company.com Use HTTPS on standard port 443 https://server.company.com:61000 Use HTTPS on port 61000 If you wish to get the status of your Compute Server cluster, list the nodes and the jobs, or check the status of your licenses, please use the grbccluster command line tool. To learn more about grbcluster, type the following command: grbcluster --help gurobi_cl is compatible with standard proxy settings using environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. HTTPS_PROXY takes precedence over HTTP_PROXY for https requests. The values may be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. Examples: gurobi_cl misc07.mps gurobi_cl Record=1 Method=2 ResultFile=p0033.sol InputFile=p0033.mst \ InputFile=p0033.hnt.gz LogFile=p0033.log p0033.mps gurobi_cl --server=server.company.com --password=pass misc07.mps Visit //m.a-toku.com/documentation/9.5 for further details on how to use this program.