Gurobi installation on RaspberryPi




  • Gwyneth Butera

    Sorry, the current version of Gurobi does not support the RasperryPi.

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  • Parth Sharma

    I understand. Is it possible to compile the make file for C++ for ARM-based processors?

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  • Gwyneth Butera

    I don't think so. Gurobi relies on the underlying C implementation, and, from my understanding, this does not work on ARM.

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  • Jennifer Locke

    Can you share why you want to run Gurobi on RaspberryPi or ARM? If we understand what you are trying to accomplish, someone may have suggestions for you.

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  • Parth Sharma

    我一个m a research associate. My task at hand is about optimising power demand and supply parameters by switching the appliances ON and OFF. To optimise which appliance is to be turned ON and OFF, I have used Gurobi to solve a system of linear equations. I have been able to achieve this using MATLAB and Java on my laptop. In order to make the system compact, I want to optimise the equations on my RaspberryPi. I tried to use Java SCIP but there isn't a lot of documentation available. JSCIP says my system is infeasible which it clearly isn't as I was able to solve it on Gurobi (thanks to the excellent documentation). I also tried Java wrapper for GLPK but it's showing an error on RaspberryPi "malloc() invalid size (unsorted)" which I am unable to figure out how to tackle.

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  • 大卫Nehme

    I know there is still no Gurobi for ARM, but since the new M1 macs have been released, is there a plan for releasing one?

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  • Jaromił Najman

    We are planing to support M1 Macs in the near future.

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