Gurobi Optimizer Quick Start Guide – Windows

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Gurobi Optimizer Quick Start Guide - Windows

Version 8.1, Copyright © 2019, Gurobi Optimization, LLC

Welcome to the GurobiTMWindows用户的优化快速入门指南!本文档提供了Gurobi Optimizer的基本介绍,包括:


完成此操作后,您可能需要选择从中使用Gurobi的编程环境。如果您没有强有力的偏好,我们建议您使用我们的Python®界面,它提供了许多好处。首先,Python是一种非常好的编程语言,可用于从实验到原型设计到部署的任何内容。然而,除此之外,我们的Python接口包括一组高级建模构造,使得构建优化模型更容易。我们还包括安装的说明Anaconda Python分布, which includes both a graphical development environment (Spyder) and a notebook-style interface (Jupyter).

If you already have a preferred programming language, you can select from among our available interfaces:

结束时of the Quick Start Guide, you'll find aFile Overviewthat lists the files included in the Gurobi distribution.

Additional resources

Once you are done with the Quick Start Guide, the next step is to explore these additional resources:

Getting help

如果您在本文件中没有回答的问题,请访问Gurobi支持网站 There, you can read knowledge base articles and join the community discussion forum. Also, if you have a current maintenance contract, you can use the Gurobi support site to submit a request to the Gurobi support team.

Ready to get started? Your first step is toObtain a License.